It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Les Quennevais School.

Our school mission statement: Realizing individual potential through a culture of excellence, exemplifies the school’s ethos. We carefully nurture the attributes, skills, knowledge and talents of everyone, allowing students to leave school as well-rounded individuals who are ready to shape the future.

Les Quennevais is an exceptionally high performing, welcoming and vibrant school where everyone is valued, respected and cared for. We have high expectations of all members of the school community and are committed to our vision of learning to be your best through excellence and enjoyment.

The capacity for excellence is developed though a culture that stimulates scholarly curiosity and challenge. Our aim is for every student to experience exceptional teaching, every lesson of every day. We benchmark the quality of our provision against the best schools in the UK and internationally to ensure our students develop a hunger for learning characterised by analytical thought, diligence and motivation. This highly aspirational attitude underpins outstanding academic progress.

Young people are entering an increasingly complex world; the leaders of the future will require empathies, attributes and attitudes, that will allow them to navigate and thrive in a world characterised by change. Our focus on strong relationships and exceptional pastoral support, provide the bedrock of our work. Our diverse and exciting range of opportunities for enrichment and learning outside the classroom give students the opportunity to grow in a broad range of contexts enabling the development of happy, confident and ambitious students.

At Les Quennevais, education does not stop at the end of the school day. We are committed to providing students with a vast range of experiences outside of the classroom which develop aptitudes and attributes the future world will need. This fun, engaging culture contributes to developing optimistic, happy students, who are confident, positive, resilient and endlessly hopeful.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school soon.

Mr J. G. Sindall MA. NPQH
