student welfare & guidance
At the very heart of Les Quennevais is a guidance system that places the emotional, physical and moral well-being of every student before any other consideration.
We know each student as an individual and treat them as such throughout their time at the school and beyond. From Year 7 until they leave us, each student’s path through the school is guided by a caring team of professionals with unrivalled experience.
“There are incredible teams working together to make sure that each student is supported during their time at Les Quennevais.
Parents can be assured that student well-being is of paramount importance to us.
At Les Quennevais School we pride ourselves on the quality of support, care and guidance given to individual students. At the core of this provision is a year system led by a Head of Year and supported by the Head of Guidance, Form Tutors and our School based Educational Welfare Officer, Mandy Berner, School based Counsellor Lynsey Mallinson and Director of Inclusion, Gillian Pickersgill.
This system provides your child with the support, guidance and care they need whilst allowing them to nurture friendships and develop a strong sense of community.
Form Tutors play an active role in ensuring that students are happy, well supported and fully engaged in school life. Form Tutors also serve as the first point of contact between school and home.
As your child develops throughout the School their progress and well-being will be closely monitored, ensuring that students are recognised and rewarded when they succeed and supported when things are more challenging.
Les Quennevais is a very caring community and the health, happiness and well-being of students underpins our overall ethos and philosophy.
the year system
We try to ensure that all students work together to achieve their full potential through a supportive, purposeful and caring Year System. This is led by a Head of Year.
form tutors
Form groups are comprised of mixed ability students. The tutor group has its own tutor who is responsible for supporting the students in their care in all aspects of school life; academic, social and personal. They will monitor academic progress using data information circulated on a regular basis. They should be able to give advice and guidance on any matter which might affect the individual's work and personal development.
We aim for the tutor to remain with their tutor set from Year 7 - 11 to ensure continuity of pastoral care and support throughout their school career.
There is an agreed programme for tutor time for each year group.
who is our guidance & welfare team?
the head of year
All of the forms and tutors are managed by the Head of Year. They are responsible for co-ordinating the work of the year as a whole and monitoring overall progress.
They ensure that the whole Year group work together effectively and maintain high standards of discipline by working with Heads of Department. The Heads of Year help to organise and oversee assemblies.
head of guidance - Judith alexander
Our Head of Guidance works strategically with Heads of Year so that students can develop the intellectual, personal and emotional resources which will enable them to flourish in this changing world where they feel they belong and their self-esteem is able to grow because they feel valued.
Tel: 01534 743 171
director of inclusion - gillian pickersgill
Our Director of Inclusion undertakes the day-to-day co-ordination of SEND Students' provision through close liaison with staff, parents and external agencies by:
Overseeing the day to day operation of the school’s (SEND) policy
Liaising with and advising other teachers on their approach to SEND support
Managing the SEN team of learning support assistants
Coordinating provision for students with SEND
Liaising with parents/carers of students with SEND
Liaising with external agencies e.g. educational psychology, health and social services and independent or voluntary bodies
Tel: 01534 743 171
school based educational welfare officer (sbewo) - mandy berner
Our SBEWO works closely with students and their families to:
Provide parenting and welfare support
Meet with parents at the school to discuss attendance concerns
Visit parents at their home to help improve attendance
Refer to social care and other agencies when necessary
Attend Child Protection Conferences, Early Help meetings and Core Group meetings
Liaise with appropriate staff regarding child protection issues
Tel: 01534 743 171
school based counsellor - lynsey mallinson
Our school counsellor provides a confidential service to students including
One-to-one counselling and shorter term solution focused sessions
Themed work with small groups (for example exam stress, self-harm)
Tel: 01534 743 171