student leadership

Leadership is about the art of motivating, influencing and directing people so that they work together to achieve the goals of a team or broader organisation. At Les Quennevais School, we believe that it is important for students to experience leadership opportunities during their schooling, to learn the art of building relationships within teams, defining identities and achieving tasks effectively. It also provides an opportunity to learn to identify and display effective communication and interpersonal skills.

Leadership begins with identifying and understanding our values of Ambition, Resilience and Respect. Our values are our fundamental beliefs – those principles we consider to be worthwhile and desirable. At Les Quennevais School, we believe all members of our community should be capable of exercising leadership in different contexts. The more leadership is encouraged, the more it flourishes.

At Les Quennevais School, all Year groups are represented through Year Councils to ensure that Student Voice is respected and ratified throughout both Key Stage 3 and 4. Every half-term, all Student Councils meet as a whole body to represent a wider School Parliament, led by our Head Boy, Head Girl and Senior Student Team.

There are a range of Leadership opportunities and discussions for students to partake in at Les Quennevais School such as:

·         Fundraising

·         Uniform

·         Charity Events

·         New School Developments

·         Staff Interviews

·         Sporting Events

·         Awards Events

·         Parents’ Evening

·         Duke of Edinburgh

·         School Environment

·         Teaching and Learning

·         Sycol Innovations

·         House Feedback

·         CV – Resilience/Respect/Ambition

·         Upcoming school events

·         Upcoming Jersey events

·         Assemblies

·         Health and Safety

·         Anti – Bullying