jersey premium

Les Quennevais School is a vibrant 11-16 co-educational establishment where members of staff always strive to provide the highest quality educational experiences for its students. All members of the school community are committed to ensuring that every student reaches their full potential. Students are encouraged to be ambitious with their future aspirations, to be resilient and hard working to reap the rewards of success both personally and academically, and respectful to those around them as a responsible citizen in the wider community.

Jersey Premium is a targeted funding programme which aims to make sure all children get the very best from their education. The funding is paid directly to the school or college as we are best placed to assess what interventions would be appropriate to enhance the learning experience for the eligible pupils within our care.

At Les Quennevais School we focus on improving outcomes for all groups of learners. Where students are underachieving, there is a commitment to accelerating the progress of identified students. Where there are attainment gaps we aim to close the gaps to improve outcomes for all. Educational outcomes are influenced by the school, family and home, and the wider community. Each has a vital role in encouraging, supporting and caring for the outcomes of students, in creating opportunities, and presenting possibilities in order that our children can excel and realise their potential.


elegibility for jersey premium

There are three eligibility criteria:

  1. All children who are looked after or children, who have previously been looked after

  2. Children from households which have recently claimed Income Support

  3. Children from households with 'Registered' status that would qualify them to claim Income Support if they had lived in Jersey for five years

To find out more about Jersey Premium and for all application forms and fact sheet, please follow this link below.


recently arrived children

If you think your family would qualify for Income Support if you had lived in the Island for five years, you can find out if your child is eligible for Jersey Premium by completing a short questionnaire. This is available from via the website here.


understanding barriers

At Les Quennevais School we aim to identify, tackle and remove the specific barriers to learning in order to raise levels of attainment and close identified gaps in learning. The most effective way to improve outcomes for children is through consistent quality first teaching in the classroom as it is the single most important driver of student attainment in conjunction with a range of other positive factors. Excellent classroom teaching can be achieved by all teachers with high quality professional development, sharing of outstanding practice, and open and honest conversations about learning. All children need opportunities to enrich their lives through educational experiences which are varied and stimulating and we ensure that where children are unable to access these through home, the opportunities are provided for them by school.

Some financial support is provided for schools specifically for children who qualify for Jersey Premium in order that these children can be helped to achieve the best possible outcomes according to their starting points. These are best achieved by ensuring exceptional pedagogical teaching approaches in all classrooms, which focus on excellence and enjoyment throughout the school, therefore reflecting the school aims and values in practice.

Research and evidence about tackling educational disadvantage means that we must first identify barriers to learning. At Les Quennevais school we have identified the following barriers to address:

  • Literacy - children who have weaker vocabulary, weaker reading ability and poorer language skills can struggle to understand the curriculum and some find difficulty in communicating as well as they need to. It is incredibly difficult for some of these students to make good progress. If children are not at the expected standard in language aged 5 then they are eleven times less likely to achieve the expected level in maths at age 11. High literacy skills allow a person to grow at every stage of their life. As a child they will succeed at school, as a young adult they will have a wider choice of careers in the job market, and as a parent they will be able to support their own child's learning. High literacy and communication skills are fundamental to every child’s future success.

  • Numeracy - high numeracy skill can increase people’s confidence and self-esteem and improving numeracy skills directly contributes to growth in personal and social confidence. We want our students to be able to make important life decisions, many of which are based on numerical information. To make the best choices, we need our children to be numerate. Maths is used in every aspect of life, at work and in practical everyday activities at home and beyond, and the outcomes for children with high numeracy skills will be greatly improved. The digital age presents our children with more numerical data than ever before putting a higher premium on numeracy. Computers can do the mathematical processing, but we need good numeracy in order to use them effectively. An increasing number of jobs now require high levels of digital skills, and digital skills are built on numeracy. Excellent numeracy skills are fundamental to every child’s future success.

  • Aspirations and engagement - some middle and high ability students require the necessary support to raise their aspirations in relation to their ability to reach and surpass their attainment targets, to achieve the best possible GCSE exam results and for their subsequent choices and opportunities in the future. Through increased engagement with their learning our students will get more out of their educational experience to enable them to make confident decisions post 16.

  • Attendance and punctuality rates of some Jersey Premium students are below that of the school target of 96% - students should attend school regularly. Les Quennevais School recognises the strong link between attainment and attendance and the important role parents play in supporting their child’s education. A student’s progress is severely hampered if they do not regularly attend school. It is clearly understood that there are exceptional circumstances when levels of attendance may fall below 98% or even 95% for reasons beyond the student and parents’ control.

  • Emotional wellbeing - social, emotional and physical wellbeing links closely with self-esteem and how a child functions in school. Self-esteem impacts on school success and on attitudes to learning. High levels of self-esteem impact positively on students’ ability to engage in activities, in dealing with challenges, and interacting with others. As self-esteem can also affect academic performance it is important to tackle low self-esteem which can reduce a student's desire to learn, their ability to focus, and their willingness to take risks.


tackling barriers

  • High quality CPD focuses on all key school improvement areas for teaching and learning will focus on the needs of students, particularly those qualifying for Jersey Premium.

  • Student profiling increases the understanding of the barriers and challenges for individual students. Students who are underachieving are identified and appropriate support and interventions are provided to accelerate progress in line with their peers from the same starting point.

  • Literacy and numeracy intervention support for a wide range of students will focus on accelerated progress for targeted students with the same starting point. The Literacy Strategy and our school’s improvement strategy, including Knowledge Organisers, aim to develop a language rich curriculum. Students can access high quality challenging language in all aspects of school life.

  • Improved and varied learning opportunities outside the classroom increasing participation in curriculum enrichment opportunities and provision of resources.

  • Student Voice - staff meet with with students to ensure they are listened to and their opinions about their experiences at school are valued.


monitoring and evaluation

Les Quennevais School is committed to ensuring the strategies to support students address identified gaps in learning. Regular and robust monitoring, evaluation and reviews will take place to ensure they have the desired impact. Changes will be made to maximise impact thorough evaluation of progress, attainment, attendance and behaviour data. Quality assurance processes and procedures are embedded across Les Quennevais School to ensure that student progress is at the forefront of what we are aiming to achieve by improving quality first teaching for all throughout the school.

  • Data analysis

  • Student progress meetings - Raising Attainment

  • Moderated assessments

  • Learning walks

  • Book scrutiny

  • Student voice

  • Assessment of impact of actions

  • School improvement plan - Departmental improvement plans

  • Pastoral and Guidance support

  • Learning support through Inclusion

  • Attendance and punctuality

  • Behaviour Support

At Les Quennevais we value the educational and personal outcomes of every student. For those learners who are most vulnerable and need individual targeted support we will provide extensive interventions and support as part of the school’s commitment to closing the learning gap. All staff at Les Quennevais School will aim to deliver an excellent educational experience in order that our students reach their potential. Positive relationships built on mutual respect will allow every individual to have the ambition and resilience to achieve their best and to strive for the best opportunities in the future.